Accessible installation with panoramic image and video animation
commissioned by Kunstmuseum Thun (ch) for the exhibition "Chambre de luxe"

350cm x 550cm x 680cm (h/w/d), painted MDF and wood, window glass
Backdrop image:
500cm x 750cm (h/w), digital rendering, inkjet print / PV tarpaulin

Bed, bedside lamp, table, waste basket, TV set on rolling tray: various sizes, painted wood
Wallpaper: digital print / APG poster paper
Carpet, curtains, woollen blanket, ceiling lamp

Video loop 6min, 5:4, digital 3D animation, with sound
PC computer, screen 30cm x 38cm x 6cm (h/w/d), mounted in TV body

Zimmer 400 is an accessible space taken from the Internet project Hotel Vue des Alpes. For the first time, a complete guest room of the virtual hotel was constructed, as seen in the memories of a fictitious hotel guest. The title of Zimmer 400 refers to the fact that the room should be located on the 4th floor - in a hotel of only three upper floors. Instead of reconstructing one of the existing 9 rooms the interior of the installation was put together from furnishing modules of the other rooms.

Visitors stepping inside the mock-up have a beautiful view of the backdrop image behind the wide balcony window. It is a rather dark rendering of the Vue des Alpes landscape in the first light of sunrise. Although there are no signs of an inhabitant in the room the interior 'transpires' an unfamiliar, dust-free atmosphere of having been used.

While sitting on the bed visitors can watch a video on the screen of the TV set. It is a 3D animation consisting of dream-like sequences from the hotel and its surroundings. However, the camera views don't match the visitor's viewpoint; either they are too high or low, or the camera hovers along the hotel walls at impossible viewing angles. This could be fragments of someone's memory content while waking up or falling asleep.